This morning we were playing away in the beautiful scenery of the Dublin
mountains. 27 degree’s and the game was a bit of a scorcher.

Right from the throw in the lads worked really hard, the sun was beating
down on them, but with a testimony to their fitness levels they were
consistent throughout. Although the water breaks were welcomed!

We were a bit low on numbers, so we had two of our U11’s plying their trade
with us, which was really appreciated. They were great, a big thanks to
Cillian and Jack who grafted and put in a great stint….certainly didn’t
just make up the numbers they were immense.

The rest of the team worked tirelessly throughout and it paid off with a
final score of 3:5 to 1:2 in our favour.

See you all Monday for football ⚽️

Enjoy the weather folks 🌞

O’Tooles Abù