Fuaghs won our Under 10 conditioned hurling blitz last night beating Na
Fianna in the final by a few scores. Like every game in the competition,
it was high tempo, with excellent skills on display.

As the competition progressed, the Faughs mentors changed tactics and
instructed thier team to move the ball fast on the ground instead picking
it up. Their players had excellent ground hurling skills and this proved to
be the difference between Faughs and everyone else in the competition.
Ground hurling is a personal favourite of mine so I was delighted to see it
being used with great affect.

The hook was the main focus for the competition and every player taking
part made great attempts to complete this wonderful skill. On the night,
the hook was worth two goals and a penalty. This ensured that players did
their upmost to preform the skill. This type of reward should be considered
by mentors when focusing,on skills in training. It could be any skill, in
either code. All kids love taking penos.

Our own club where knocked out in the group stage missing out on a semi
final spot on goal difference. I was really impressed by our under 10s.
Their commitment to every ball, team sprint and thier use of the hands pass
when in trouble was really encouraging.

I would like to thank the three refs for doing a good solid job on the
night, especially when you consider the unusual rule changes, such as
corners instead of 45s and the previously mentioned “penos for hooks”.

Finally, well done to every club, player, parent and mentor at the blitz.
Sprints were high during every game but it was “good sprint” and the
positive atmosphere made the blitz.

The club participating where.
Naomh Mearnog
Na Fianna